Category Archives: Drupal

Drupal7 Image formatter

I’ve recently started using Drupal7 for a personal website project. I finally had the possibility to test on the field the new Drupal7 APIs and modules.

It’s amazing to see how much Views module is evolved into something that I can’t do without 🙂 Great to see CCK (now Fields) in core and the increasing number of Themes supporting HTML5 (AdaptiveTheme, Omega.. etc).

The major difficulty is to locate, inside the Admin section, where the new configurations have been moved.. after a while I was able to fix Iconizer missing icons and finally, recognizing the same icons, starting to setup Drupal7 as fast as I do in Drupal6!

Among great enhancements, I found fantastic the added ability to configure a field formatter easly in the content-type settings form. What I feel missing is, for the Image field type, to limit the number of images displayed by the formatter. Since Image field is in core it’s a little bit difficult to get a patch approved… so I developed a *new* Image formatter that extends the previous one adding the “Limit images” feature.

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Drupal, TortoiseGIT and Putty configuration

Few weeks ago moved from CVS to GIT for source code repositories. Old CVS repository have been placed into a code-frezze status, no more updates and read-only access.

Reading Drupal messages and development mailing-list I found myself to be one of the few Drupal developers using Windows (and the nice set of Tortoise- GUI tools) for code development (please don’t be too hard on me: I’m too lazy busy right now to install and setup a Linux OS.. maybe I’ll reinstall my beloved Gentoo system?), but one of more users with issues on setting up TortoiseGIT and Drupal SSH keys.

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Drupal Iconizer: new Icons

Hi, following latest changes to the Iconizer module, I’ve updated the related icons. The new icons features some common modules such as Organic Groups, Import Content, User Imports, RealName, Coder, Devel, VotingAPI and my latest contributed module KnowledgeTree Integration.

As usual the icons are from KDE Oxygen icon set. Remember: I didn’t create them and I don’t own them! Here a little preview of the Administration section with the new icons:

Installation: simply extract the icons in the “admin_icons” module sub-folder. Overwrite the existing ones.

Have fun!

Iconizer admin icons (version 2.02)
Filename : (121 KB)
Caption : Iconizer admin icons (version 2.02)